When I was first offered this product with a cult following, I was excited to see what all the excitement and love was about. Paula's Choice 2% BHA is different than others on the market because of it's unique formulation at the exact pH level necessary for penetrating pores. Instead of boring you with chemistry, I'll just remind you why it's SO important to exfoliate at EVERY age. Failure to exfoliate can lead to dull, dry, flaky skin, which in turn can cause clogged pores, pimples, white heads and even an uneven skin tone! Maybe, you could cover all that up with makeup, bu why would you want to do that if you could fix the problem?
Paula's Choice 2% BHA has the right ingredients and is strong enough to restore your skin's healthy natural balance. When you gently rid your skin of built-up skin cells, you can reverse clogged pores, stop breakouts, smooth wrinkles and even eliminate dry skin. Users of this product have experienced: smoother skin, the elimination of dry, rough patches and the fading of sun damage including wrinkles! Sign me up!!
I've done a simply awful job at taking care of myself with two little ones to take care of. Their needs are always my priority. Paula's Choice offers a simple easy add-on to my face washing routine, which I was told would bring amazing results.
At first, I didn't love the product. My face felt greasy and a few ugly red pimples popped up. I was ready to give up, but kept up and I'm glad I did. It must've been something in the product pushing the impurities out of my skin, because my skin is no longer greasy, but soft. I began noticing my pores were less noticeable and best of all - that ugly redness under my nose was reduced to almost unnoticeable!
So, you're still skeptical? What if I had a coupon for 20% off your entire order at Paula's Choice? I do! Just enter PRBHA2016 at checkout for 20% off your total order! I can't wait to hear what you think!
Disclaimer: I have received this product for free in return for my use and review, however, all opinions are my own.
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